PaleoAce » Blog » July 2013

PaleoAce Blog: July 2013

Monkeys Continue to Get Faster

Posted by Ace on Mon 8th Jul, 2013

It has been a while since I wrote on here but that's not because we have given up on Paleo or there hasn't been anything positive to report, to the contrary... The Monkeys have continued with their Paleo ways and have been getting faster and there is a lot to update since 30th May 2013.

Firstly, I discovered how much I love time-trialling - the purest form of bike racing - me against the clock... Whilst it is still early days (less than 3 months devoted to the sport so far) I have really enjoyed every minute of training and racing. Our diet has been key in providing us with the energy we need during exercise and ensuring quick recovery afterward. Monkey for example has shaved off 1 minute and 19 sec of his 10 mile TT time. I am also keeping a track of my PBs on here.

Yesterday I took part in 25 mile TT. My pre-race breakfast consisted of omelette made with leftover courgettes nicoise, minced steak and left over sweet potato chips. It was so tasty, I had no trouble eating every last bit of it, unlike the race mornings when I would force porridge or cereal down my neck. Between my breakfast and the race I snacked on some watermelon and banana washed down by water instead of sports drinks. My stomach felt comfortable pre-, during and post-race unlike my experiences where I have performed at threshold having consumed the chemical alternatives. I still question myself as to whether I am taking in sufficient amounts of carbohydrates to race and train as I do but after each performance like yesterday I am reassured. Snacking on some cold chicken and beetroot is also going down far better than protein shakes.

Monkey's favourite continues to be the paleo energy bars. Having been bullied by me to come on a very hilly ride last week just before dinner time, half way through the ride he felt a bit empty and resorted to a square of these. The effects were almost instant. We think this tasty concoction has just the right amount of quick & slow release carbohydrates as well as protein which allows us to train at the intensity/duration we want without departing from our Paleo ways and the resulting side effects.

I have added a couple of recent recipes to the site and updated my recent results. Enjoy the browse.